What will be reviewed?

Here, only newly released albums are released are reviewed. A review will not stay on this website for more than 5 years after the release date. The album, CD, LP, should be recorded in Europe. The musicians should be based in Europe. All styles are welcome. A link to the African-American music culture is a prerequisite.

How is the reviewing done?

I, Wouter Turkenburg, the reviewer, will listen to the music several times, over a period of several weeks. Every time I listen, I take notes. What I am listening for is the quality of the compositions and the arrangements, the interaction between the melody section and the rhythm section, the level of the solos, the colors, and sounds. The remarks made consist of a general evaluation of the album as well as a choice of three pieces that, I think, are 'most listen too'. Once I wrote the review, I will inform the submitter about the text. Facts are checked, and the dialogue always improves the review.

Is there a rating?

No, there is no rating. The goal of the reviewing of albums on this website is to support jazz musicians in Europe with a high-level evaluation of their artistic product. Unfortunately, the majority of reviews of jazz records say more about the preferences of the reviewer than about the music reviewed. In my view, the expression in stars or points is useless and often ridicules, covering up the inability to make a profound review of the music presented.

What can you do with the review?

Quotes from the review can be used on the personal website of the submitter. Moreover, longer excepts can be used as well. In all cases, the name of the reviewer must be mentioned, as well as the link to this website.

How to submit your album for review?

Please send a physical album (CD, LP) to the address below. Also include printed press material. Do not forget to inform about websites, press kits and all other information.

History of Jazz In Europe

Wouter Turkenburg

Spaargarenstraat 25

2341 JV Oegstgeest

The Netherlands














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