Jazz in Europe: history, present, future

Jazz in Europe: history, present, future

History of Jazz in Europe: the first meeting of the editors

Royal Conservatory, The Hague, The NetherlandsIn The Netherlands at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, on the 8th of November 2001, Jim Collier, USA, Wolfram Knauer, Germany, and Wouter Turkenburg, met for the first time. Jim Collier based in New York, the author of several books on the history of jazz, Wolfram Knauer, the director of the Jazz Institute in Darmstadt, and Wouter Turkenburg, lector in jazz history at the University of Leiden. They exchanged ideas on the possibility of writing a book on the history of jazz in Europe.

Jim Collier had not only written various books on jazz, he had also travelled numerous times to the western and the eastern countries of Europe to visit jazz musicians and writers. Over the years, he had maintained good contacts with everybody he had met. Wolfram Knauer not only directed the Jazz Institute, he also had written articles and books on jazz in Europe. For numerous years he had organized the 'Jazz Days' in Darmstadt: conferences with a wide variety of topics concerning jazz. At the jazz department of the Royal Conservatory, Wouter Turkenburg had students from almost all countries in Europe, informing him on the past and present of the jazz scenes in the countries they came from.

Although plenty of contacts, knowledge and information was already assembled by Collier, Knauer and Turkenburg, they felt that more was needed to have enough data to write the book 'The History of Jazz in Europe'. The first step they made was to attribute several countries to each of them for further investigation. The following selection was made:
Jim Collier: Ireland, Great Britain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece.
Wolfram Knauer: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, Baltic Countries, Poland, Czech-Slovakia.
Wouter Turkenburg: Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Benelux, France.

The initial plan

A structure was developed for the writing of the book 'The History of Jazz in Europe'. Collier, Knauer and Turkenburg decided that they would be the three editors-in-chief. Each of them, according to the selection made, would ask contributors to write the history of jazz of their country. Once all contributions were collected, the editors-in-chief would write an over arching final chapter. The entire book should be about 500 pages, about 150,000 words. Conferences should be organized in which contributors could exchange their progress, and could help each other to finalize their contributions.

The guidelines

Guidelines needed to be developed for the contributors.


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